第一范文站教案 英语教案 小一英语教案

小学英语第二册unit1 Unit one My Age教案设计


  Aims:                      Use simple expressions and structures to interact with others.

  Ask questions to find out informationUse English to communicate with others when playing gamesUse proper pronunciation and intonationContents:               How to ask others age and how to answer it How to ask others age and how to answer itFocus:                    How old are you? I am ……Difficult points:  How old are you? I am…Aids:                      Songs, games, pictures,  mult-media,and slide showThe First LessonContents:              Know each otherFocus:                   Introduce each otherAids:                     Songs and gamesⅠ。Warm-upGreeting with simple sentencesSuch as ”Good morning!“,”How are you?“Ⅱ。Presentation1.         Introduce each other.

  2.     Tell pupils what my name is and ask them ”What is your name?“Then tell them that how to write their names in English. And ask them to write the names on the board.

  3.         Say sth about my requests in my future class. Such as ”Sit down, please!“                ”Listen to me.“ Stand up!” “ Open your book, and turn to page three.” And soon.

  Ⅲ。PracticeAsk the pupils what English songs they have learned, and ask some of them to present, and the teacher writes out what they sang.

  Ⅳ。Sum upEvery group count numbers from the first pupil to the end. Teacher first will praise the group, which finished the task.

  Ⅴ。Saying goodbyeThe Second LessonAims:                     Use simple English to communicate   with othersContents:                Can I help you? Yes, please. / No, thanks.

  Focus:                    The ask and answer of help sbDifficult points:  Can I help you? Yes, please. / No,   thanks.

  Aids:                      Cards, pictures, games and songsⅠ。Warm-upThe teacher pretends to be an old woman, then let the pupils guess what is wrong with the teacher in order to bring out “Oh, I am old.” Then point to the pupils and say, “You are young”.

  Ⅱ。Presentation1.      Draw two large old and young faces on the board, and ask, “what is this?” in order to bring out “an old women ”and “a young girl”. Then add the names Ann and Lily.

  2.      Show the pictures around the class, and tell them “I am Ann, and I am old.” “ I am Lily, and I am young.”


  old ,    old,               I am old.

  Young, young,        I am young.

  Old,    old ,             you are old.

  Young, young ,      you are young.

  Ⅳ。PracticeAsk a student to move a desk or act an old man, then the teacher says“ Can I help you?” then change the roller, and the teacher says“ Yes, please”, or“ No, thank you!”

  Ⅴ。PlayWhen the first pupil says, “Can I help you?” the second pupil should says “Yes, please.” and then says, “Can I help you?”        to the third pupil and so on. Teacher times.  Team will win     which expenses the least time.


  Copy page one and two of the Copy Book.

  Ⅶ。Saying goodbye.

  The Third LessonAims:               Learn how to use“ How old are you?” to ask age.

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